The Eaglerise SET105CV, 105va halogen lighting transformer for insertion into lighting luminaires or surface mounting.
The Eaglerise SET105CV is a direct replacement for the Kaoyi KTB105 and RET105CV halogen electronic transformer.
The Eaglerise EET105CV and SET105CV are the same model. The first letter indicates whether Sunrise or Eaglerise manufactured the transformer. Sunrise and Eaglerise are the same company located at the same factory in the country of origin.
This product cannot be used with LED bulbs.
25/09/19 - SaveMyLight by arrangement with Eaglerise have secured a final batch of 700 pieces of this model. REV 5.0
These units were produced for SaveMyLight only and contain a unique holographic sticker with code confirming a REV 5.0 unit.
No other retailer will have these units. Now you can be guaranteed to have the latest and last SET105CV ever produced.
Once these are gone, they are gone. We recommend customers stock up with spares as we expect these to sell out fast.
The Eaglerise SET150CS, 150va halogen lighting transformer for insertion into lighting luminaires or surface mounting.
This is the twin output model with the 3 mounting holes.
This product cannot be used with LED bulbs.
This model can also replace the Breve-Tufvassons ZHA150 transformer.
Don't pay crazy prices of £85.00 for this model which is an astonishing 195% above the RRP of £28.99 from Ebay sellers claiming to be 'official approved European distributors' - these sellers are not European distributors or agents. DO NOT GET CAUGHT OUT!!
You are more than likely to be stuck with an older revision, a single output version or a completely different model.
Their only choice is to hoodwink innocent consumers by overcharging, using all of our written information to sell their product and claim the SET150CS is long discontinued.
Production of this ever popular model continues for us as the official UK / European supplier!
The Eaglerise SET160CK, 160va halogen lighting transformer for insertion into lighting luminaires or surface mounting.
This is the twin output model with the 3 mounting holes.
This product cannot be used with LED bulbs.
Don't pay crazy prices of £85.00 for this model which is an astonishing 175% above the RRP of £30.99 from Ebay sellers claiming to be 'official approved European distributors' - these sellers are not European distributors or agents. DO NOT GET CAUGHT OUT!!
You are more than likely to be stuck with an older revision, a single output version or a completely different model.
Their only choice is to hoodwink innocent consumers by overcharging, using all of our written information to sell their product and claim the SET160CK/ CS is long discontinued.
Production of this ever popular model continues for us as the official UK / European supplier!
The ever popular Eaglerise SET210CS, 210va halogen lighting transformer for insertion into lighting luminaires or surface mounted.
This is the twin output model with the 3 mounting holes.
This product cannot be used with LED bulbs.
The SET210CS can also replace the Breve-Tufvassons ZHA210 transformer.
The EET210CS and the SET210CS are produced by the same company. E denotes Eaglerise and the S denotes Sunrise. Both companies merged many years ago. The models are the same.
Don't pay crazy prices of £100.00 for this model which is an astonishing 200% above the RRP of £33.99 from an Ebay seller claiming to be an 'officially approved European distributor' - this seller is not a European distributor or agent. DO NOT GET CAUGHT OUT!!
You are more than likely to be stuck with an older revision, a single output version or a completely different model.
Their only choice is to hoodwink innocent consumers by overcharging, using our written information to sell their product, changing their Ebay name to a similar name to us and claiming the SET210CS / CK is long discontinued.
Production of this ever popular model continues for us as the official UK / European supplier!