We are sad to report some of the biggest electronic transformer manufacturers in China have closed their doors for the final time in 2019.As the Chinese economy continues to go through a downward turn and technology changes manufacturers cannot sustain the loss of income coupled with high rents and other... Continue reading
SaveMyLight have noticed an increase in halogen transformers and ballasts being fitted to fireplaces, cooker hoods, kitchens and conservatories which are failing at an alarming rate and this is not due to a manufacturing defect in every product. Fireplaces / Cooker Hoods – Manufacturers are fitting halogen transformers into housings... Continue reading
SaveMyLight pride ourselves on our customer service and the ability to resolve customer problems by telephone or email in a timely manner. We are here to help. This is our job. Problems often occur immediately when customers fail to read the Guidance Notes supplied with every purchase of a product... Continue reading
Despite repeated warnings on this website and the guidance notes supplied with every purchase of a transformer, customers are still ignoring the need to have items fitted by a Qualified Electrician. Customers are continuing to telephone or email us asking ‘what wire goes where?’, ‘how do I fit it?’ and... Continue reading
SaveMyLight has received the following updated terms and conditions which apply to customers making payment in other currencies which is then converted. 5. Currency Conversion We have amended section 8.2 (Currency Conversion) and section A3.1 of Schedule 1 (Other Fees – Currency Conversion) to clarify what happens when your transaction... Continue reading
It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Eaglerise, one of the biggest Chinese companies to ever produce halogen transformers is to cease all halogen transformer production as of the end of this year.The reason for this is that Eaglerise are now moving into the LED market.... Continue reading
Save My Light would like to remind customers that by ticking the four check boxes at checkout means you are agreeing to Save My Light’s Terms and Conditions as well as other key information. Customers cannot progress to making payment until these boxes have been ticked. These check boxes are... Continue reading
As is usual around this time of year SaveMyLight sees an influx of customers placing orders for products. However for some customers the moment the goods arrive the customer claims the goods are faulty. SaveMyLight would like to remind all customers that everything that leaves this company is tested before... Continue reading
SaveMyLight have no issue selling items to Russian customers however we are unable to ship any items to Russia. The reason for this is that Russian customs are continually refusing the entry of our goods to Russia. Upon this happening we then have to pay for the return of the... Continue reading
Showing 21–30 of 43 posts
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